Manage & Prevent Headaches, Naturally.

May 10, 2011  |  By Jessica Silver

The onset of a headache is a sign that your body is out of balance, and needs your attention. The faster the headache is relieved, the faster you can get back to your normal quality of life.

Useful Tips on How to Manage and Prevent Headaches:

Headache Management:

  • Catch it early. As soon as the headache starts, start taking control before it gets worse.
  • Take a 10 minute break from what you’re doing and rest in a quiet, comfortable, dark room.
  • Breathe deeply and relax. Gently rub out the tension in your shoulders, neck and temples.
  • Get Acupuncture, massage and take Chinese herbs to help get rid of acute or headaches interfering with your quality of life.

Headache Prevention:

  • Keep stress levels as low as possible, and avoid situations that trigger extra tension.
  • Do not skip meals, and do your best to get good sleep each night.
  • Consider the amount of caffeine in your body; sometimes headaches are withdrawal from caffeine when the body is addicted.
  • Maintain good posture throughout the day to allow for adequate circulation between your head and body.
  • Acupuncture, massage, and Chinese herbs help prevent headaches.

Many headache sufferers have found permanent relief with Chinese Medicine.

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