Acupuncture and Parkinson’s – Slowing the Disease

December 20, 2012  |  By Jessica Silver

More and more information continues to surface regarding the health benefits of acupuncture.  New research conducted by scientists at the World Health Organization demonstrates how acupuncture can slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Through their research, the W.H.O scientists discovered two acupuncture points that “prevent the breakdown of an important brain protecting enzyme, tyrosine hydroxylase.”-HealthCMI

This enzyme helps to break down L-DOPA, which is used in the treatment of those afflicted by Parkinson’s.

Read more about the Benefits of Acupuncture on Parkinson’s Disease at HealthCMI below.
Acupuncture Slows Parkinson’s Disease – New Discovery

“New research reveals how acupuncture protects the brain in areas damaged by Parkinson’s disease. Scientists at the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine have discovered two acupuncture points that prevent the …HealthCMI”

Watch Case Study: Slowing Parkinson’s with Acupuncture

With this knowledge in hand, and proof positive of real life case studies, we strongly feel that treating Parkinson’s with Acupuncture should be included to supplement treatments already provided.

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